智利国家馆春季大师班品鉴会完美落幕 天府之国风味特色尽显

糖酒快讯 + 关注 1个月前


       On March 29, the Chile National Pavilion on JD.com hosted the Spring Master Class at the Embassy of Chile in China, bringing together major Chilean brands. Ms. Natalia Cortés, Trade Commissioner of the Chilean Embassy, Mr. Fernando Díaz, ASIA Director of Wines of Chile, Mr. Lige, Senior Adviser at JD.com, and Ms. Liu Xiaobin, General Manager of JD Retail FMCG, along with guests from various sectors, witnessed this significant event


(图为智利驻华大使馆商务参赞Natalia Cotes女士致辞)


       "Chile, currently the world's fourth-largest wine exporter, primarily targets markets in China and Brazil. Notably, Chile holds the top position as the leading wine source for China in terms of volume, and second position in terms of value. In 2023 alone, China imported $173 million worth of Chilean wine, as reported by the China Alcoholic Drinks Association.." Ms. Natalia Cortés said in her opening speech "Chile wants to further consolidate its position as a leading wine exporter to Chinese consumers, especially in promoting the high-end wine industry. These wines not only add different values through their quality, but also embody the strategic pillars of our wine industry: sustainability, innovation and national image."



       Mr. Lige said that the Chile National Pavilion, as a strategic cooperation project between JD and Chile, can not only meet the differentiated needs of more consumers, but also have more opportunities for Chilean brands to directly face Chinese consumers, and the cooperation between the two can be described as a strong alliance and mutual benefit.


       At present, there are 56 brands and 257 SKUs in the Pavilion, including wine, seasonal fresh fruits and meat products . Under the refined operation, the annual sales GMV in 2023 reached 138% year-on-year growth. During the tasting, the Pavilion brought many brands of wines, which won repeated praise from guests on the scene. At the same time, Nieve D’or honey, offering more choices of high quality products for Chinese consumers.




       To drive the revitalization of the wine consumption market in China, companies and organizations must ramp up their efforts, innovate their strategies, and reignite consumer interest. The ecommerce channel stands out as one of the most powerful tools for achieving this objective.


       The Chile National Pavilion is dedicated to providing an exceptional user experience, fostering an environment of openness and collaboration. Collaborating closely with various Chilean wine brands and enterprises, the Pavilion is steadfast in leveraging their strengths to seamlessly merge culture and commerce, aiming to spearhead a new era in wine consumption.

       Check, I see is online already

       This is not true, 2023 saw a decrease of 31% decrease in value, we need to mention we recognize the contraction of the market, but we remain positive of the revitalization of the consumer demand in china.



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